Category: Municipal Planning
Free Secondary suites workshop offered by CRA
A free workshop offered by the Chemainus Residents Association will take participants step by step through the process of planning and building a secondary suite. Secondary suites can be a win-win-win for homeowners, renters, and communities looking for ways to address the affordable housing crisis. So the Chemainus Residents Association—with funding from the Rotory Club…
Affordable Housing – How do we do it?
The alternative to affordable housing is the plague of homelessness in our communities, and hardship for families that can’t afford other life essentials because the cost of housing consumes too much of their monthly income. Most would agree that affordable housing is a social priority, but the cost of housing continues to increase and the…
North Cowichan OCP Update
Now’s the time to share your views with the Municipality of North Cowichan, as it continues its Official Community Plan update. Until September 15 residents can complete an online Vision and Priorities Survey and make their preferences known. Most residents aren’t well versed when it comes to the purpose of an OCP. A Province of…
Community Plan update ‘journey’ announced
The Municipality of North Cowichan launched its Official Community Plan (OCP) update process in the July 25 information release below… (July 25, 2019) – What is an Official Community Plan and why should I care? An Official Community Plan (OCP) establishes the vision for how our community will grow in the future and provides guidance…