Category: All-Candidates Forum 2020

  • Forum wrap up

    Congratulations to Doug Routley, who will be Nanaimo – North Cowichan’s MLA in the newly elected B.C. Legislature. Congratulations, too, to Chris Istace and Duck Paterson for representing their perspectives and their parties’ platforms in the Oct 24, 2020 provincial election. Most of all, though, congratulations to the constituents who expressed their preferences in the…

  • Programs and assistance for low Income earners

    What will you do for low income couples and seniors, who do not have children but whose minimum wage earnings, Unemployment Insurance or Canada Pension and Old Age Security do not make a reasonable standard of living affordable. This group of Canadians don’t receive any assistance or help with essential expenses like medical prescriptions, dental…

  • Marked Chinook Program

    What are your thoughts regarding the Department Of Fisheries marked Chinook Program? In your opinion does the DFO currently have short falls on the West Coast? if so, what are they? Doug Routley As someone who sat as co-chair to the Wild Salmon Advisory Council, alongside Chief Marilyn Slett of the Heiltsuk First Nation, this is…

  • Taxation and Income Equity

    In 2017 a Conference Board of Canada report ranked B.C. and Ontario as having the greatest income inequality in the country, placing them ahead of only the “worst-ranked peer countries Australia and the United States”. Do you support revisions in our tax structure so that we come closer to equitably taxing those with the greatest…

  • Health Care

    What is your stance on primary care networks opening up around the province?Are you familiar with the role of Nurse Practitioners, and will your party support Nurse Practitioners providing care to British Columbians ? Doug Routley As a member of the government who implemented the Primary care networks, I support this action. The primary care…

  • Mental Health and Addiction

    Mental Illness and Addiction have been identified as at the front of the issues on our streets – Homelessness and Poverty. What services and facilities addressing these issues do you support in our riding and where will the funding come from? And does the electorate deserve the right to vote on funding decisions? Chris Istace…

  • Electoral Reform

    Does your party believe the current first-past-the-post electoral system is the best way of representing the interests of British Columbians in the B.C Legislature? If so, why? If not, what form of representation to you think would be best, and how can reform be implemented? Chris Istace The BC Greens strongly support a change to…

  • Freighter Anchorages

    Do you think freighters should be allowed to anchor in Stuart Channel? Why or why not? If so, how many? What are the risks and environmental impacts? Does the province have a role to play in setting limits? Chris Istace Freighter anchorages is a federal issue that has a disproportionate effect on our very small…

  • *Homelessness

    What do you think are the contributing causes of increasing numbers of homeless people in B.C.? What steps would you take to provide adequate shelter and services to the homeless, and other marginalized citizens? Can government afford to reduce or eliminate homelessness and extreme poverty? Chris Istace The cost to society of homelessness, poverty, and…

  • Forest Management

    The provincial government recently announced plans to protect 353,000 hectares of forest with old-growth trees from logging, while a new forest management plan is developed. How can B.C. find balance between the status quo, which risks crucial biodiversity loss; and immediate moratoriums, which would damage the economy and threaten the livelihoods of tens of thousands…