The CRA will post questions to Nanaimo-North Cowichan candidates in the Oct. 24, 2020 BC Provincial Election here as they are submitted. If you would like to ask a question, please visit the Election Forum page and submit from there. The ‘Question Tally’ is the number of times a question has been asked by different people. The ‘Responses’ line lists candidates who have responded to a question. An *asterisk indicates a Featured Question, which candidates have been asked to respond to. A linked heading opens a post containing candidates responses and moderated comments. (Note: It is not expected candidates will respond to every question.)

Featured Questions & Responses

*Taxation and Income Equity
In 2017 a Conference Board of Canada report ranked B.C. and Ontario as having the greatest income inequality in the country, placing them ahead of only the “worst-ranked peer countries Australia and the United States”. Do you support revisions in our tax structure so that we come closer to equitably taxing those with the greatest wealth?
Question Tally: 1 | Posted Oct. 8 | Featured Oct. 21
Responses: Istace, Paterson

*Affordable Housing
Various reports and studies say provincial and municipal levels of government are not doing enough to make housing affordable – for owners or renters – in B.C., including Vancouver Island. What do you think needs to be done, and what would a government under your party do to improve affordability and availability of housing?
Question Tally: 1 | Posted Oct. 8 | Featured Oct. 20
Responses: Routley, Istace

*Forest Management
The provincial government recently announced plans to protect 353,000 hectares of forest with old-growth trees from logging, while a new forest management plan is developed. How can B.C. find balance between the status quo, which risks crucial biodiversity loss; and immediate moratoriums, which would damage the economy and threaten the livelihoods of tens of thousands of workers?
Question Tally: 1 | Posted Oct. 7 | Featured Oct. 19
Responses: Istace, Routley

*Freighter Anchorages
Do you think freighters should be allowed to anchor in Stuart Channel? Why or why not? If so, how many? What are the risks and environmental impacts? Does the province have a role to play in setting limits?
Question Tally: 1 | Posted Oct. 7 | Featured Oct. 18
Responses: Istace, Routley

*COVID Recovery
Over the last seven months many small businesses, in particular, have struggled, some have gone under. Many people have lost their jobs. Governments are incurring large deficits. What plans does your party have to help B.C. recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic?
Question Tally: 2 | Posted Oct. 7 | Featured Oct. 17
Responses: Istace, Routley, Paterson

*New Cowichan District Hospital
Plans have been announced for the commencement of construction on a new Cowichan District Hospital in 2021, to replace the facility in Duncan, which was built in 1967. Can you and your party give assurances that the project will go ahead as scheduled? What completion date would you estimate for the project?
Question Tally: 1 | Posted Oct. 9 | Featured Oct. 16
Responses: Routley, Istace

What do you think are the contributing causes of increasing numbers of homeless people in B.C.? What steps would you take to provide adequate shelter and services to the homeless, and other marginalized citizens? Can government afford to reduce or eliminate homelessness and extreme poverty?
Question Tally: 1 | Posted Oct. 7 | Featured Oct. 15
Responses: Istace, Routley

*Climate Change
By law the province is required to reduce emissions 80 per cent from 2007 levels by 2050. What steps should the province be taking to ensure that target is met? Are you satisfied with measures that have been implemented so far to address climate change?
Question Tally: 1 | Posted Oct. 7 | Featured Oct. 14
Responses: Istace
, Routley

*E&N Railway
The Island Corridor Foundation, with endorsement from. the B.C. Chamber of Commerce, has suggested “…full restoration of the rail corridor on Vancouver Island would be an ideal infrastructure project that could bring both immediate, and long term, economic benefit and stimulus to Vancouver Island.” Do you agree? Why or why not?
Question Tally: 2 | Posted Oct. 7 | Featured Oct. 13
Responses: Paterson
, Istace, Routley

In November 2019 The provincial government passed legislation to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). What do you believe the next steps should be on ‘A New Path Forward’, and what steps can be taken in the Nanaimo – North Cowichan region?
Question Tally: 1 | Posted Oct. 8 | Featured Oct. 12
Responses: Routley, Istace

Green Economy
Success in the Green Economy requires an integrated and focused approach on the part of government, education and business. Do you believe shifting toward a Green Economy should be a priority with government? What specific measures would a government under your party take to position B.C. and Vancouver Island to compete effectively in a Green Economy?
Question Tally 1 | Posted Oct. 8 | Featured Oct. 11
Responses: Istace
, Routley

*Why should voters choose you?
What are the skills, experiences and beliefs that make you the choice for voters in Nanaimo – North Cowichan? What policies and commitments has your party made that will make B.C. and Nanaimo – North Cowichan a better place to live?
Question Tally: 1 | Posted Oct. 9 | Featured Oct. 10
Responses: Routley
, Istace, Paterson

Other Questions & Responses

Electoral Reform
Does your party believe the current first-past-the-post electoral system is the best way of representing the interests of British Columbians in the B.C Legislature? If so, why? If not, what form of representation to you think would be best, and how can reform be implemented?
Question Tally: 1 | Posted Oct. 7
Responses: Istace

Mental Health and Addiction
Mental Illness and Addiction have been identified as at the front of the issues on our streets – Homelessness and Poverty. What services and facilities addressing these issues do you support in our riding and where will the funding come from? And does the electorate deserve the right to vote on funding decisions?
Question Tally: 1 | Posted Oct. 8
Responses: Istace

Health Care
What is your stance on primary care networks opening up around the province?Are you familiar with the role of Nurse Practitioners, and will your party support Nurse Practitioners providing care to British Columbians ?
Question Tally: 1 | Posted Oct. 14
Responses: Routley, Istace

Marked Chinook Program
What are your thoughts regarding the Department Of Fisheries marked Chinook Program? In your opinion does the DFO currently have short falls on the West Coast? if so, what are they?
Question Tally: 1 | Posted Oct. 7
Responses: Routley

Programs and assistance for low Income earners
What will you do for low income couples and seniors, who do not have children but whose minimum wage earnings, Unemployment Insurance or Canada Pension and Old Age Security do not make a reasonable standard of living affordable. This group of Canadians don’t receive any assistance or help with essential expenses like medical prescriptions, dental care, rental costs and so on. But they are struggling as much as others who do have access to programs that help make ends meet?
Question Tally: 1 | Posted Oct. 13
Responses: Chris Istace

Other Submitted Questions

Fish Farming
What is the position of you and your party on the operation of Fish Farms in British Columbia? Do you think existing regulations and laws ensure the industry will operate in an environmentally safe manner? Does your party receive donations from the companies that operate fish farms in B.C.?
Question Tally: 1 | Posted Oct. 19
Responses: None