The alternative to affordable housing is the plague of homelessness in our communities, and hardship for families that can’t afford other life essentials because the cost of housing consumes too much of their monthly income.
Most would agree that affordable housing is a social priority, but the cost of housing continues to increase and the COVID-19 pandemic has made a bad situation worse. So what steps can be taken to provide the housing that, in turn, puts a livable lifestyle within reach?
Those are the questions that will be addressed by John Horn, Executive Director of the Cowichan Housing Association in a presentation to the Chemainus Residents’ Association April 8, 6:30 PM on Zoom, when he will talk about one of the most pressing, and complex problems facing communities today: affordable housing.
Join us and hear what he has to say. There will be an opportunity for people to ask questions after his presentation. If you want to get up to speed beforehand, visit the Cowichan Housing Association website. In April 2019, the CHA completed an Attainable Housing Strategy for the CVRD that identifies priorities and ‘targets for success’. They are also working in conjunction with CVRD’s recently-completed Regional Housing Needs Assessment.
The meeting can be joined April 8 at 6:15 PM on Zoom.
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