What is your stance on primary care networks opening up around the province?Are you familiar with the role of Nurse Practitioners, and will your party support Nurse Practitioners providing care to British Columbians ?

Doug Routley

As a member of the government who implemented the Primary care networks, I support this action. The primary care networks are an excellent solution to ensuring people without access to a doctor can still get the care they need – and the urgent care clinics built under our government also ensure there is less congestion at our hospitals. 

When our government consulted with doctors and those nearing the end of their medical schooling, what we heard is that many doctors do not want to go into private practice where they are essentially running a business, on top of offering care – most doctors just want to provide vital health care services to people. Primary care networks, urgent care clinics and primary care centers allow doctors and other health professionals to work in a team environment where everyone is focused strictly on caring for people. 

We also opened the first nurse practitioner led clinic on the island in my riding this year and I fully support these clinics as well. I have heard lots of positive feedback from the community and I know that they are doing amazing work. I would support seeing more investments and expansions of these clinics.

Chris Istace

I was heartened to see our Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Henry, open up more opportunities for Nurse Practitioners, allowing them to prescribe safer options as alternatives to toxic street drugs during the ongoing opioid crisis.

This public health order not only recognizes the exceptional measures needed to combat the crisis and save lives, but also her faith in the professionals who she is tasking with this important role. 

I would certainly be in favour of having further discussions with the PHO as to her thoughts in expanding this program to offer further health care opportunities to people in communities through our province.

While there are several factors that would need to be considered, the health of our communities, and members within, dictate that this is a conversation we need to have.  

Candidates responses to this question have been added in the order received. Go to the Election Questions list to see questions that have been submitted to the Forum.


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