North Cowichan OCP Update

A slide from North Cowichan’s video on its ThinkForward OCP Update page

Now’s the time to share your views with the Municipality of North Cowichan, as it continues its Official Community Plan update. Until September 15 residents can complete an online Vision and Priorities Survey and make their preferences known.

Most residents aren’t well versed when it comes to the purpose of an OCP. A Province of British Columbia ‘local government’ web page describes OCPs as: “statement(s) of objectives and policies that guide decisions on municipal and regional district planning and land use management. These decisions impact communities’ sustainability and resilience.”

Says the introductory page to North Cowichan’s survey, “Your feedback on this survey will help shape a 20-year vision and develop priorities for North Cowichan to focus on so that we can achieve that vision together.

“Coming to a common understanding about our collective community values will help us ‘ThinkForward’ as we move through this community-driven process.”

Three questions posed in recent ThinkForward flyers distributed in the community are examples of the kinds of issues being addressed, and the importance of new possible directions to Chemainus:

  • In response to climate change would you rather: A) Accept that the climate is changing and ‘live with it”? B) Adjust by fire proofing homes, managing water supply and reducing greenhouse emissions?
  • Noting that the majority of housing built in North Cowichan over the last ten years has been stand alone (detached) houses, the municipality asks, should we: A) Continue to facilitate the development of residential subdivisions with detached houses that require you to own a car? B) Encourage different forms of housing such as apartments, townhouses, duplexes closer to shops and services?
  • One quarter of North Cowichan’t population is seniors, and that percentage is expected to grow in coming years. Should we adjust to this trend by: A) Building houses and community facilities better suited to seniors? B) Creating more housing options and economic opportunities to attract and retain young people and families with children?

More information on the overall OCP process in North Cowichan is available on the municipalities ThinkForward webpage.


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