CRA initiating Emergency Planning Committee

As well as showing the impact of an earthquake and tsunamis on coastal BC, the movie Preparedness Now advises people on the types of supplies they should have on hand

The CRA will be meeting with the Cowichan Valley Regional District’s Emergency Program Coordinator Sybille Sanderson later this month to talk about forming a Chemainus Citizens Emergency Response Team.

The idea is for neighbours to be in a position to help neighbours and themselves during an emergency or when disaster strikes, and help is either not able to get to people or professional emergency services are swamped. The kinds of things that could be considered: an assistance centre that would be activated in the event of an emergency; help for shut-ins; help for people without necessities.

The team will only be formed if there is support in the community.

Contact for more information on this initiative. You can also find out more, or sign up to participate, at the Chemainus Residents Association table at the 49th Parallel Grocery, Saturday, Aug. 10 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

For a perspective on the possible impacts of an earthquake and tsunamis hitting coastal BC, and the measures people should take in advance, see a video, Preparedness Now, and visit the Cowichan Valley Regional District’s Local Emergency Response Neighbourhoods page.


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